Friday, January 8, 2010

More Cooking

Since I mixed up bread dough last night I made some hamburger rolls and a small loaf of bread. The rolls turned out awesome. I cut them out using a large mouth jar ring. Then let them rise and bake. I love those rolls when we have sloppy joes.

The bread was a total flop, it sunk in the middle for some reason. So, I cut that up into cubes this morning to make croutons. I didn't mix up any seasoning for them yet, but that is on the agenda for the afternoon.

Maybe the hubby will pick up salad ingredients on his way home and we can have grilled chicken salad with the fresh croutons!

Have you ever heard of the love dare? It was what the book that the movie Fireproof was based on. It is awesome, you have to rent it if you have never seen it. But anyway, the Contemporary Christian station I listen to is broadcasting the daily love dare. It will run now through Valentine's Day. So every day they tell you what the dare is for that day.

It started Wednesday, with the first dare to not say anything negative to your spouse. When I first heard it I was very glad that he wouldn't be home until 5:30 pm! LOL It went well, but it was hard. I asked him as we were falling asleep if I said anything negetive to him all night. He said no, but you did seem distant. I laughed so hard!!!! On the radio they said that if you are tempted to be negative just bite your tongue and don't say anything. I caught myself doing that a lot, but I didn't think it made me distant! So what is worse not talking so you are not negative or being negative? Ok, so maybe I should learn to be able to talk with him AND not be negetive.

Yesterday the dare was to do something nice out of the blue. I choose to pack his lunch for him. (I hate packing his lunch, so that is a big deal) How does his sandwich look?

Today's dare is to buy him something small to show your appreciation. I will not be doing that for two reasons. One, I don't have a car to go anywhere. Two, love is not shown through purchases. So in lieu of purchasing a gift. I am going to do three of his chores that I hate doing. I will take out the recycling, and the garbage. I am also going to feed and take the dog out each time tonight. Whew...again all things I hate to do that he normally does. I will let you know what his reaction is!

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